A HUUUUUUUGE thank-you to everyone that contributed to our Indiegogo campaign.
With your help, we collected $6267 for the team. That’s a whole lot of swag: stickers, waterbottles, Social Media shoutouts on Facebook and Twitter, T-shirts, stickers, trucker hats, raffle entries for NHL jerseys (Johnny Bower and Gordie Howe), our classic blue Union T-shirts, Matt Chellew serenades (OK only one was purchased, by Union alumni and MVP, Stats Dolan!), a Chris Bracht heckle, an Origami session from Peyton Leung, and sublimated Union jerseys…
Deep breath, exhale…
We can’t thank you enough. The Ultimate community is alive and well in Toronto. We have been overwhelmed by this campaign and the contributions you have made. We have been equally overwhelmed by the Tweets, Posts, Likes, Favourites and shoutouts over Social Media. Feel free to ReTweet, Like and Share our posts over the next few months as we descend upon Lecco for WUCC 2014 and the USAU Championship Series in the Fall.
A special shout out to Dee for putting the campaign and team video together – what a great success for the team! Thanks!
And now for a formal thank you to all of our contributors (Indiegog names used for privacy purposes, you know who you are):
- jon.g.brandt
- Jeremy Swampillai
- hezohez
- jcdelfin
- jbnormand
- Our 9 Anonymous contributors
- Marg Galloway
- Logan, Quinn and Riley Cahatol
- csasaki
- jasonkucherawy
- slaterslater
- less.nosko
- mpanchal1
- j.mott1
- kirknotjim
- jcammaert
- krabichow
- 9ef08bfb-0b79-4f78-a277-935fcb09723a
- lapsang13
- lswong
- fbscrafield
- deborah.forler
- jamie&bex
- aron_wallaker
- jazzie009
- twentyfourstars
- martialdrainville
- Jason Chan
- don.lundgren
- Mel
- Harry Burkman
- Mike Milne
- kloyer
- will.mercer
- grahamcmatthews
- Max Power
- Baron Lam
- dstreightmilne
- Mark Gravely
- aef1c753-31fd-43b2-aad2-339508b45e82
- billy.kwan.leung
- newfpete
- Jeremy Hamm
- karl.chvojka
- harp4
- hinmeister x 2!
- nancyshaddick
- gmmorre
- stusti
- christine.heung
- clbgordon
- adougie02
- Monty and Ferguson
- thepatto
- nantana50
- bryan.yue02
- gstonebridge
- ngevik
- saima.shopping
- sean.hill1
- Erika Ivanic
- garethcawley
- Dario Zgrablic
- julie.kwan.22
- joeyhych
Thanks again, we will be in touch to sort out your swag and the NHL jersey raffle.
We’ll make you proud in Lecco!