Introducing Union’s roster for the World Ultimate Club Championships (WUCC) 2014 in Lecco, Italy.
Your reigning Canadian Mixed Ultimate Champions, this crew of athletes is ready to make a statement in Italy. We have been training since last August, practising since January, and we’re hungry to show the world what we can do. The trememndous support we have had so far via Tweets, Facebook, Likes, Shares, Emails and contributions, do not go unnoticed. We plan on representing our supporters, the Toronto Ultimate community and ourselves class on and off the field in Italy.
Without further ado:
- Amanda Moore (captain)
- Warren Tang (captain)
- Aaron Kucherawy
- Andy Milne
- Bryan Spekkers
- Cam Dunning
- Chris Bracht
- Cory Galloway
- Emma Seaborn
- Hadiya Roderique
- Jacky Hau
- Jamie Galloway
- Jenn Le Roux
- Kate Jardine
- Krista Kotwa
- Mal Lundgren
- Matt Chellew
- Matt Kirk
- Michelle Chandler
- Norm Lew
- Peyton Leung
- Steve Lee
- Taylor Martin